Must Change Password

Your password has expired. Please change your password. Once you have successfully changed your password please return to the home page and login.

Your new password must contain at least 3 different types of characters (i.e. lowercase, uppercase, numbers or special characters such as "!", "@", "#", etc.) and be between 10 and 30 characters in length.

An example of a valid password would be "T3nnis$tar". To create your own valid password you might want to use first letters of words in easily remembered phrases to help you come up with passwords that are both secure and easily recalled. For example "The cow jumps over the Brock Tower!" would be "TcjotBT!".

** Please note that "T3nnis$tar" and any other examples on this site will be rejected. Passwords cannot contain the character '\' (backslash), ' * ' (star), ' < ' (greater than), a space, or the character combination ' &# ' (Ampersand followed by Hash) and cannot be based on your first name, middle name, last name, email address, or login ID.

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